Monday 16 September 2019

Re-Painted Pick Up

Here's a little auto project I've been working on.

I got this pick up in a joblot of miscellaneous items for peanuts, as some of you will probably recognise it started life as a Woodland Scenics Pick 'Em Up. The pale blue pick up with the, in my opinion, bad weather job. That is what stopped me stumping up the £15 for a generic 50s pick up truck. 

This bargain find gave me the opportunity to do what I think an aged 50s pick up truck should look like. Also I would have a model no-one else would have!

I didn't take any before pictures as you can all look up the original. It came apart surprisingly easily. The glued in mounting pegs broke but didn't affect the reassembly. Once in it's component parts it was washed thoroughly and left to dry.

I contemplated the colour change long and hard and settled for a period red and cream. As the plan is for this to be an ageing farm truck I chose matt or matter paints to add to the patina.

While disassembled I repainted the interior in multiple colours too. I left the original figure painted as was.

For a relatively small model and project it has taken quite a while to get to this stage alone. Primarily as it sat in the background and waiting until I had a reason to fire the airbrush up for the main painting etc.

So here it is, still awaiting the road muck, wear and tear etc mind:

So now it awaits the next stage. Hopefully it won't take me as long to finish it off. Keep an eye out for the completed pick up!

Happy Railroading

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